about us


Why choose us?

Professional maintenance

The maintenance services offered by Diesel gostarseh help reduce long-term costs and extend the life of diesel engines. Their team can solve the most complex technical challenges.

Continuous innovation and improvement

Diesel gostaresh is constantly looking for new ways to improve its products and services, by implementing new technologies and optimizing its processes.

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knowmore about us

How did the story begin and where will it go?

We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation to ensure that our products and services are always at the forefront of the industry. Looking ahead, Diesel Expansion seeks to expand its presence in new markets and provide innovative solutions to current and future industry challenges.


A leader in expertise, innovation and customer satisfaction

The Diesel company is known as a leading agent in the sale of valves for Komatsu and Cummins engines, manufactured by the Queen brand and the Italian Oswat factory, in Iran. With more than two decades of experience, the company offers deep technical and specialist skills in the field of diesel engines. Diesel Expansion emphasizes expert maintenance, supply of high quality parts, and technical advice. Its commitment to customer satisfaction and strong support has built a reputation for customer-centric service. Innovation and continuous improvement in products and services is the main reason why Diesel Extension has become one of the most trusted dealers in the diesel engine spare parts industry. By striving to increase quality and efficiency, the company ensures that customers' needs are met with the highest level of quality.

Product innovation and development


Commitment to customer satisfaction


Sustainability and social responsibility


Deep technical and specialized knowledge
